Contact Details
Telephone: 0118 978 9852
Contact Name: Robin Gofton
Spice Marketing Consultancy
 With over 20 years experience in developing marketing campaigns in successful large organisations, Robin Gofton set up the Spice Marketing Consultancy to help small and medium-sized businesses to market themselves more effectively. Not necessarily by spending more money, but by spending what marketing budgets they do have in a smarter way.
We believe there are three key areas where we can really help your business: - Marketing Strategy
By understanding the problems you face and the goals you have for your business, we will work with you to develop marketing strategies specifically designed to help achieve your objectives. We don't believe in "off the peg" marketing programmes. Every business faces different challenges (whether it's improving profitability, building awareness of the company name, getting more people to try your product or service for the first time, or getting existing users to buy more often, for example); we work with you to design tailor-made programmes for specific objectives. - Brand Positioning
Helping you to define how and why your product or service is different from your competitors is key to a successful marketing campaign. Differences may be small - they may even be more "perceived" than real - but if we can encapsulate in a few words what sets you apart from your competitors, we are halfway to building a more successful and sustainable business. - Marketing Communications
Once we have worked with you to define what differentiates your business from your competitors, we can then start to build a more effective communications programme, developing the most motivating message and defining the most cost-effective means of getting that message to your target audience.